
"My Way"-- Julie Michel

---- A beautiful and useful map
"My Way" designed by Julie Michel, she's this mapping work really makes me exciting, it not break the traditional maps beautifully but also very useful.  It gives me a idea of my flower mapping work that i need to consider more about useful of map. Maybe my map can also use in the ravel time.

My Way, an object of personal cartography, is designed to give tourists a physical and mental experience of the space they are visiting. It is a city map that contains blank areas on which to write. Due to its folding system, there empty spaces do not interfere with the map's legibility because they are hidden behind the paper folds. The design reintroduces the idea of discovery, research curiosity, and even getting lost. The map directs the tourist in space but also in time because it can be used to plan the trip before it even begins, during travel for writing and drawing, and back at home as a souvenir.

Before I first moved to London, I went to my local library and photocopied all the pages of the area around where I would go to college, and taped them all together into a kind of monster wall hanging. Fluorescent filled areas for parks and bits of interest, and village areas ringed. Staring at the areas and getting familiar with the names was essential for beginning the trawl through rental adverts. So when I came across these maps from Julie Michel, it all came back to me. the personalisation of an area to visit with stickers and interventions. She has found some neat ways of folding the maps too.... so check out the rest of the site as well.

