
A visual storyteller -- Antoine Corbineau

Antoine Corbineau is one of my one of favored designer , he graduated from camberwell college of art and design in UAL. I like his hand-drawing style and color, the more importance is his creatives. The following texts are come from the book of VISUAL STORYTELLING . 

What are the major issues facing visual storytelling today?

Time! Visual storytelling entails a huge amount of work (which also means a higher cost) but the deadlines are often very short, and briefs often arrive very late, so it is not always possible to have enough time to experiment and to create a proper and well-thought piece of visual storytelling.



How do you describe your illustration style?

It's a colorful and dense combination of logically interconnected hand-drawn elements, typography and textures-but that sound a bit cold ! I just draw how i can, and my colorful, hand-drawn style in not only inviting but also an interesting may to communicate more comples subjects. 

Southbank Centre
Festival of the World 2012

Your colors are always very distinctive and joyful.
How do you choose each one?

I'm a painter as well as an illustrator, and i used  to use color spontaneously, without limit or preselection, but i am now trying to restrict myself to a limited and specific range of color that i wouldn't select that way. Color choice is very important, especially in my work. It gives the first overall mood and vibration, the ones that makes the viewer want to come look closer.

